Masks and trays for handling, protection and varnishing.

Usually a detail is chromed for aesthetic reasons, for example a shower head. The need to move it, and therefore subject it to mechanical stress that could damage it, led to the use of thermoformed trays with cavities, designed according to the shape of the piece, which could contain and protect it adequately.

For varnishing, trays are effective to expose the pieces to be processed and then move them without damaging the coating applied. Masks allow for the protection of those parts that are not to be treated, avoiding drips and smears of paint, thus eliminating the time needed for cleaning and restoration of processed items.

The anti-oxidation cover is a very effective article also used in the chemical industry for adhesives, installation materials, resins etc. It is a thermoformed item sized according to the measurements of the container which increases the life of the product by preventing the entry of air and consequently reduces waste.

It is normally produced with transparent material, this allows you to visually inspect the contents without having to open the package and allow air to enter.

The same detail can be made with coloured material in case the materials are photosensitive

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